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They tell me I can't keep them all....

Breeding Plans -

Sales Policy

Thank you for your interest in purchasing from Woods’ River Farm! We strive to make your purchase a positive and memorable experience, and hopefully one you will consider repeating for years to come. To help achieve this goal, we have several terms and policies we ask you to agree to before making a purchase from Woods’ River Farm.

No question is a silly question
We work with our animals day in, and day out, and know them more than anyone else. While we strive to accurately describe our animals on our website and in photos, sometimes just describing your goals in your purchase to us can help us help you to select the perfect animals to meet your needs. We will promptly reply, and offer any assistance we can.

A deposit maybe required to hold a kid/doe.
While I am a huge fan of a handshake agreement, I have been taken advantage of too many times as a breeder, so no reservation will stand until a $100 deposit has been received. This deposit is securing your interest in a specific animal, and is non-refundable unless we are unable to produce an animal to satisfy your order. We retain the right to keep any kid from any breeding, and will do our best to fulfill or refund your reservation in such an event. Funds can be received by cash, check, or paypal, but all paypal fees are the responsibility of the purchaser. If paypal funds are sent as a personal gift through Friends and Family, no fees are charged. All bounced checks will receive a $25 charge.

All kids must meet quality standards
We take pride in selling animals to better the Nubian and Toggenburg breeds as a whole. If a kid is born which does not meet these standards, we retain the right to refuse the sale. We will do our best to find a suitable replacement. All kids will only be sold in good health, having been tattood, disbudded, and given the desired vaccinations. If a kid exhibits any signs of poor health, please contact us immediately so we can help remediate the issue early on. Please keep in mind that while all animals are sold in full health, and we are more than happy to help should one fall ill, we are not responsible for illness contracted once your animal leaves our farm. Remember, management is key to success. An animal with incredible genetics, not properly managed and cared for will not perform well.

Rights to Genetics
We keep a small herd, which often limits the number of bucks which can stay and be used in our own breeding program. We reserve the right to purchase 10 straws of semen from any bucks sold, at the cost of collection should we so choose. This includes both bucklings born here, and mature bucks bred by other herds, owned by us and used in our breeding program.

Pictures on our website can be used once permission is obtained
We are thrilled if you like to use our pictures to promote animals from us or closely related to ours. We do ask, however, that permission be gotten, and noted on your website that permission was given by Woods’ River Farm

All shipping costs, health papers, and special desired testing is the responsibility of the purchaser.
We are happy to provide test results we have for the animal being purchased ie. CAE, or any other testing normally done by us. However, if additional testing is desired, health papers needed for shipping, or other shipping costs, these are all the responsibility of the purchaser. We will do our best to keep these costs down. 

Woods’ River Farm reserves the right to refuse to sell an animal at our discretion, reasons including if we are not confident in the ability of the BUYER to adequately care for the animal.

Driveway/Outside Stud Service: 

Please call or message the farm page to roughly plan your does breeding.  Then at the first sign of heat call or message us to set up a visit for service. We typically suggest coming on the first or second day of heat.

Stud fee is $100-$200 per animal, if your doe cycles back you can bring her an additional 2 times during the current breeding season to try again at no additional cost. If she still does not settle we suggest seeking a vet’s advice because there is a good chance the doe has something going on that is preventing a successful conception.

We do NOT board animals for stud service.
Need a buck rag to help decipher if your doe is in heat? Just ask! You can stop by the farm and pick one up for free or we can mail you one for the cost of shipping.
Please bring your doe’s papers, if she has them, so that a service memo can be completed at the time of service.

We do not offer all of ours bucks as available for stud service. We reserve the right to refuse a breeding at out discretion for any doe for health concerns or any other reasons during this process.